Our Services

What should I expect when I attend a Meeting Service?

We have three types of gatherings here at Hanging Rock Church of Jesus Christ.

First, on Sunday Mornings we meet for our Sunday School Classes.  We will generally sing a few songs, and then disperse according to the five age groups for around an hour in order to get into the study of God's Word. At the end of our study, we gather back together again in the main sanctuary. The classes then will give a short summary of what they worked on that morning before closing with a brief prayer together in the front of the sanctuary. These services typically run for an hour and a half.

Our second type of gathering will be our prayer service on Sunday evenings.  We will worship in song, prayer, and preaching of the Word. All are welcome to bring a testimony, and all ages are encouraged to participate together as a family. We encourage you to listen to what the Spirit says to the Church, edifying one another. These services are usually 2-3 hours in length, we will let the Lord lead us. All are encouraged to seek Him together around the altar for as long as you feel led.

Finally, our third meeting occurs on Wednesday evening. We gather for in depth teaching of the Bible in one large group as a family, typically a subject taught and discussed under the guidance of our Bishop. We encourage on topic, open, respectful discussion so that we may learn and grow together. This service typically lasts an hour and fifteen minutes.

In all services we require that everyone respect the teachings of 1 Cor. 14:26-40, 1 Timothy 2:12; 5:1-2, and 1 Corinthians 11:3 for orderly gatherings. (A woman is permitted to join in singing, discussion and witnessing, but not to teach, preach, or usurp authority over that which a man is speaking in the gathering.)

Is there a Nursery?

We have a nursery down the main hall to the left past the restrooms. It is equipped with a large viewing window, diaper changing area, rocking chair, toddler potty, standard toilet and sink, a utility sink, and a few standard chairs.

We respectfully ask that nursing infants be fed in the nursery in privacy. However, bottle fed infants may remain in the sanctuary for their feeding. 

We ask that all food, drinks and chewing gum (other than infant formula) remain outside our building.

This is an unstaffed nursery. We encourage families to remain together, God's Word and Spirit is for everyone!

What about Offerings?

Offerings are welcome; however, they are not expected. Give according to 2 Corinthians 9:7-8.

There is an announcement usually during one of the first congregational songs when you may walk your offering up if you have one, or hand it to one of the small children who love to gather the money and bring it up for you. Generally, this is how it is done but on occasion we may pass the basket around.

All money placed in this basket up front directly supports the needs of our building maintenance, and true needs of our faithful people in a fair and even manner if a need arises. Rest assured anything given will be spent wisely. We don't send our ministers on vacations, or spend money collected frivolously. 

We also have a box in the rear located on a small table labeled, "For the Pastor" in which you may place an offering that would go directly for our Bishop. No one is on salary here, and this money would help Brother Glenn directly. Give as the Lord leads you. 

We are happy to have your presence with us, and as always encourage you to come even if you cannot give!