Our Teaching Ministry

In addition to our evening services, we have five Bible teaching classes on Sunday Morning.

These classes are grouped according to ages 4-6, 7-9, 10-12, 13-17, and finally ages 18+ (along with their infants and toddlers) who gather under the guidance of our Sunday School Superintendent Brother Chris Sturgill.

We Would Be Glad To Meet You!

We are a congregation under the oversight of Bishop Glenn Jenkins. Our Deacons are our Brothers John Sturgill, Don Sturgill, Chris Sturgill, and Jeremy Klaiber. 

On our Board we have our Brothers Bill Spurlock, Mike Hankins, Joe Castle, Seth Large, and Curt Maynard. We thank the Lord for their servanthood toward us.

Our Sunday School Ministry is listed along with our Preaching Ministry Below:

Bishop Glenn Jenkins

I, Glenn Jenkins after my conversion, have served in the Church of Jesus Christ in Pigeon Hollow and Hanging Rock, Ohio. Since December 8, 1990, I have served the church as a Minister, a Musician, a Sunday School Teacher, and Deacon on the Board of Trustees. I was ordained an Elder October 9, 1996, by Elder Douglas Bishop. I have ministered to the saints in baptisms, visitations, funerals and weddings. On September 11, 2006, I was appointed as Bishop and Pastor of the Hanging Rock Church of Jesus Christ. I have worked and supported the church for the last 34 years.

My wife Cheri Jenkins is a mother in the church, my companion of thirty-three years and was with the church before me. She has been serving as my best friend, companion and help meet. God has blessed us all the years we have been here.

Brother Glenn gives us a wonderful testimony at the bottom of our "about" page linked here. He teaches our congregation most Wednesday evenings, and alternates Sunday evenings.

Elder Deacon John Sturgill

Brother John teaches adults ages 18+ every other Sunday morning and will alternate preaching on Sunday evenings. He was appointed trustee of the church March 7th, 2010. Brother John has proved his faithfulness as a servant to the church. His ability to preach and teach within the church over the years has proved to be a valuable asset to the church and the work of God. Brother John was ordained as a deacon August 8th, 2010. He was appointed Elder Deacon of the church March 6th, 2014, after the passing of our Brother Bill Hankins. Brother John’s service for the last 14 years is appreciated by us all. 

Deacon Don Sturgill

Deacon Don Sturgill has served on the church's board since August 22, 1966. He has been president of the church board since December 4, 1978. 46 years. He also has served faithfully alongside four pastors. Brother Don is to be commended for his example of faithfulness to the church. He rarely misses church and usually is the first shining face we see, when we come to church. Teaching by example, his wonderful prayers and his visitation of the sick is greatly appreciated. He has served well as a Deacon at the Hanging Rock Church of Jesus Christ; he has served as an officer of the church for 58 years. 

Chris Sturgill

Deacon Chris Sturgill was appointed trustee September 6th, 2011. He then was appointed Church Treasurer July 1st, 2012. Brother Chris has filled many of the church's obligations. He is our go to person in the church. Other than Church treasurer, Brother Chris is in charge of our fellowship hall, advertising, phone prayer line announcements and he also coordinates our Sunday School. He also takes care of the logistics of organizing our picnics and church outings. So usually if you read something in the paper or see flyers hanging in a store window about the church, Brother Chris probably had his hand in it. Proving his faithfulness, he was ordained a Deacon September 7th, 2014. He is now serving the church as an officer for 11 years.

Brother Chris is a Third generation Sturgill to become an honored Servant to our Church congregation. He teaches our teen class and has a great heart for the growth of our youth and is known to be a wonderful example and encouragement to them.

Deacon Jeremy Klaiber

After receiving his call from the Lord in 2003, he kept searching Jesus' ways until he found his need for baptism in the Name of Jesus Christ and receiving the Gift of the Holy Ghost with the evidence of speaking in tongues. Brother Jeremy then joined us in 2009. He has taught Sunday School and taken care of the tape ministry, also building our YouTube and Facebook ministry. In doing so, he has become a great asset to our church. Brother Jeremy was appointed trustee December 12th, 2011, and has continued until this time. He has been serving the church as an officer for 13 years. Brother Jeremy was ordained a deacon February 26, 2022. 

Brother Jeremy has been alternating teaching our adult Sunday School since 2010. He has a heart to serve in any way he can.

Brother Curt Maynard

Brother Curt received a call from the Lord to leave behind his life of sin around 2007. After years of ministry and service in other places, the Lord shined more light in his path and moved on him to receive the Baptism in the Name of Jesus Christ and the Gift of The Holy Ghost. He then was led to join us in 2021. He was placed on our board in 2023. He teaches our adult Sunday School class and sometimes will preach on Sunday evenings filling in whenever he is needed. He has a passion for visitation and reaching the lost. 

Sister Sally Hankins

Sister Sally has been teaching our children for years. She brings the scriptures to life for the class with ages 10-12. She lovingly guides them on how to apply the Bible in their everyday lives with hands on examples.

Sister Debbie Short

Sister Debbie has taught our children of different ages for around 18 years, currently teaching the class with ages 7-9. With such a kind manner, she welcomes all to learn about our Lord.

Sister Lisa Serrey

Sister Lisa began teaching our youngest class of ages 4-6 in 2024. Patiently, she shows them the Love of Christ and encourages them to learn even at this tender age to love their neighbor as themselves.

Sister Vickie Hay

Sister Vickie is a faithful substitute Sunday School teacher and has been teaching since 2021. She is ready at a moment's notice to fill in any time she can for all ages.

Sister April Maynard

Sister April is another faithful substitute teacher who steps up whenever we may need her, in whichever children's group necessary. She has joined the teachers in 2024.